Dojo Design Log

Sharing a behind-the-scenes glimpse into how I’m designing & running DT Dojo.

John Kembel John Kembel


Welcome to Design Log Entry #7! I’ve come to realize that the design thinking process is missing an important step: “step away from your work”. Indeed, doing creative work requires a different kind of energy and endurance than business-as-usual, put-your-head-down and think-your-way-through-it kind of work. That’s what the end of July and early August is for me. Hopefully you can find a little time away from your work as well.

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Invitations & Promotions
John Kembel John Kembel

Invitations & Promotions

Welcome to Design Log Entry #6! Working on DT Dojo as a “micropreneur”, I’ve realized that my attention is a pendulum. Now that the new DT Studios are live, my focus has swung from design and development back to marketing and member engagement. In June, I set up another round of site traffic and behavior flow experiments, invited another pilot group to join the DT Innovator Studio, and ran the site’s first-ever promotions. As with prior entries, I share highlights, key observations, and my favorite tools.

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Hello DT Studios!
John Kembel John Kembel

Hello DT Studios!

Welcome to Design Log Entry #5! May has been a heads-down, design & development-focused, exhilarating month. Indeed, May resulted in the most significant set of changes to the site & the largest release of new things since “launch day”. This month I made the shift from a “courses” model to a “studio” model. And I was able to pilot and test a new “DT for Teams” offering. As with prior entries, I share design & development highlights, key observations, and my favorite tools.

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DT Badges & Certificates
John Kembel John Kembel

DT Badges & Certificates

Welcome to Design Log Entry #4! April was all about design thinking certification — researching, designing, testing, and developing membership badges and course completion certificates for DT Dojo. Also, I set up a few A/B site traffic & engagement experiments to get behavior data as a complement to feedback data from my testing conversations. As with prior updates, I share development highlights, key insights, and my favorite design tools.

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Designing CX Experiments
John Kembel John Kembel

Designing CX Experiments

Welcome to Design Log Entry #3! Well, March sure didn’t go as planned. Even though I know that working on anything new, design-thinking-style, means twists and turns and many unexpected bumps along the way, it still surprises me every time. Design thinking reminds us, when facing ambiguity and uncertainty, to respond by maintaining a bias towards action and by crafting clarity along the way. And for me, that’s what March was all about…

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Marketing Design Sprints
John Kembel John Kembel

Marketing Design Sprints

Welcome to Design Log Entry #2! With the first three design thinking courses launched and live, and with friends & guests starting to visit and explore the new site, my attention has shifted to behind-the-scenes details. Indeed, as I planned a series of “Marketing Design Sprints” for the month of February, I had two goals: 1) set up and test initial systems for future digital marketing efforts; and 2) get ready to share DT Dojo with my broader network in the coming weeks.

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A “Designful Launch”
John Kembel John Kembel

A “Designful Launch”

Today is “launch day”! The first three DT Dojo Courses are now live and generally available: “Design Thinking Intro”, “Design Project #1”, and "Skills Bootcamp #1”. And along with it, an entirely new site is live too. To mark the occasion, I wanted to write up an inaugural “Design Log” entry to share a few highlights as well as my reflections on the design-thinking-style launch process I’ve run over the last three weeks.

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Dojo Design Log


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